
With Scratch you can play music.

You can play music in Scratch, but you have to load the extension Music. This will add the following new blocks:


Play a melody

Lets play the music French folk song Brother John.


During the first measure we have 4 quarter notes.

  • C (60)
  • D (62)
  • E (64)
  • C (60)

Select the block play note and select the note C (60) on the pop-up keyboard which appears. You can leave the duration at 0.25 beats.


The same 4 notes repeat for a second measure. We can use a loop to repeat.


Change the tempo

The original tempo is 60 bpm (beats per minute). Let’s add a way to change the tempo with the up/down keys.


Change the instrument

The default instrument is a piano (1). The block set instrument to allows to chose among 21 different instruments.


Create a variable called instrument. Let’s add a way to change the instrument with the left/right keys.


Set the volume

The volume can be set separately for each sprite. For example the keyboard can have the volume at 30%, while the saxophone has the volume at 100%.


At the start we set the volume to 50%.


We use the two C/V buttons to set the volume.


Play a drum

The block play drum allows to play one of 18 different drums.


We can combine 4 quarter beats in a loop and repeat 16 times.


This creates a base rythm for our music.

Play a Jazz classic

Together with the percussion, we can play a saxophone melody. The melody has a length of 16 measures and is the beginning of Autumn leaves, a jazz classic.

We use the automn leaves message to start the melody and the percussion at the same time.


We can start the music when clicking the saxophone sprite.


We can also start when pressing the A key.


Use a list for the score

A more flexible way to enter the music is to use a list. Let’s see how we can encode the following music score of Hedwig’s Theme in a list.


First we send the message hedwigs theme when the guitar sprite is clicked or the H key is pressed.


The notes and duration of the score is kept in a list hedwig.

  • odd indexes contain a note
  • even indexes contain a duration

The total lenght of the list is 62.


We can play the list and access each successive note and duration with an index pointer i.

  • the i-th elemetn of the list is a note
  • the i+1-th element is the duration

To avoid decimal fractions we multiply the duration by 8. That means a duration of 0.125 beats is encoded as 1 A duration of 0.25 as 2 and 0.5 as 4.


With this music as well, we add a little percussion loop.
